The evolution of the blockchain in recent years has been nothing short of dynamic. It has been called one of the most innovative and disruptive technologies for society since the internet.
Join TMAC Toronto and a panelist of thought-leaders to discuss how blockchain has the potential to fundamentally change how consumers and businesses connect in everyday areas of our lives, how assets are encoded on this modern ledger and its potential to provide a more secure, trustworthy way to exchange information and units of value (i.e., cryptocurrencies and "stable coins") across such areas as financial institutions, hospitals, companies and governments.
Don't miss this chance to network with industry peers and gain up-to-date perspectives on this revolutionary technology.
TMAC is pleased to invite the following individuals to participate in this panel discussion for this educational session:
She is responsible for setting the strategic direction and leading the Business Deposit Portfolio & Treasury Solutions line of business that serve small business and corporate clients.
Lisa has over 25 years of banking experience with over 15 years of expertise in the area of payments, leading and executing key strategies supporting global transaction banking businesses. She joined RBC in the summer of 2012, having held a number of increasingly senior management and executive roles in Business Financial Services, Global Transaction Banking, Commercial Banking and Operations. Lisa has experience in many industry forums, sits on the Board of Directors for SWIFT and has previously held a Board position with the Canadian Payments Association. She was the winner of the 2018 Women in Payments Innovation Award.
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